ohio puppy photographer

Ohio Puppy Photography - Winnie the Golden by Holly Hildreth

Golden Retriever puppy by a stream in New Albany, Ohio, during a professional pet photography session

One frequently asked question I get is “Can you photograph young puppies?” Clients worry that their new wiggly ball of fluff won’t sit still long enough to have their picture taken. But here’s the secret: they don’t have to! With puppy sessions we will go with the flow and make sure it’s a fun and stress-free experience for your puppy. They may even blissfully fall asleep at the end of our shoot like 8 week old Winnie the golden retriever puppy here.

Professional pet photography session of an 8 week old Golden Retriever puppy in flower garden at Rose Run Park in New Albany, Ohio

Your pup's adorable antics and charm deserve to be preserved forever. Puppies grow up so fast! That's why investing in professional pet photography while your new pet is still a young puppy is a great choice.

Professional pet photographers specialize in capturing the unique personality and quirks of your puppy. They know how to bring out the best in their subjects, whether it's their playful spirit, curious nature, or heart-melting puppy dog eyes.

Puppies can be super wiggly at this age, so keeping them on leash is always a good idea. I will photoshop the leash out after our session so it looks like your sweet little fluff ball was running free, when in reality she is safe and leashed the whole time. That means there’s one less thing to worry about during your session!

Plus, the experience of a professional pet photoshoot is enjoyable for both you and your puppy. It's a chance to bond, create lasting memories, and have fun capturing moments that reflect the joy your puppy brings to your life.

If your ready to book your puppy’s pet photography session, visit my booking page to request your shoot: Book A Session

Portrait of a Golden puppy during a pet photography session in New Albany, Ohio
Cute Golden Retriever puppy playing with a stick during a professional pet photography session in Ohio
Golden retriever puppy during a puppy photography session
Cute Golden Retriever puppy peaking out from a rose bush during a professional pet photography session in New Albany, Ohio