Westerville, Ohio, End of Life Pet Photography Session - Twinkle the Boston Terrier / by Holly Hildreth

Twinkle’s owner reached out to me as soon as she received some devastating health news about her furry family member. Less than 24 hours later, Twinkle was in front of my lens for her special photoshoot. Twinkle passed away at home, surrounded by family, shortly after our session. I am glad that we had this chance to make a few last happy memories in the time she had left with us, and grateful to Twinkle’s family for trusting me with such an important shoot.

Twinkle’s owner found me through The Tilly Project, a network that connects pet owners with photographers who provide End of Life (EoL) pet photography services for cases just like Twinkle’s. EoL sessions are such an incredibly valuable gift that you can give yourself and your loved ones. I keep time reserved in my schedule every week specifically for cases like this where owners aren’t sure how much time their dog has left and/or are dealing with tough decisions around the declining health of their best friend. If you find yourself in this situation and would like to book your own EoL Pet Photo shoot, contact me today and I will be in touch ASAP.