New Albany, Ohio, Pet Photography Sessions - Location Scouting: Wildflowers / by Holly Hildreth

One exciting challenge in pet photography is trying out new locations for your sessions. But when working with dogs, it’s extra important to know what you’ll be getting yourself in to if you were to do a photo shoot there! When I am considering a new location for an outdoor pet session, there are some key things I need to figure out before the shoot in order to set your dog up for success.

One of the most crucial questions I want to answer when I am location scouting is: what are this park’s distractions? In order to get a first-hand look, I like to visit the park before our session (with my own dogs), and try to find out: Are there a lot of other park-goers? Will there be other dogs near us? Would we potentially encounter wildlife like geese, rabbits, ducks, or deer? How loud is the park? Are there any sounds that may startle a dog? How close to the road or parking lot will we be? How accessible are the areas within the park where I want to shoot? Where will the sun be setting in relation to some key features of the park? The list goes on and on, but each and every thing is an important detail in making sure you and your pup have the most stress-free photography experience as possible.

Recently, I had been wanting to scout out a new location closer to where I live in New Albany. As luck would have it, I actually stumbled upon an amazing spot one evening when we were walking to a restaurant. Nestled along a walking path in New Albany’s Rose Run Park, I spotted the most gorgeous pink and purple wildflowers. We took a walk through the park, and snapped some cell phone photos at a few spots I thought would make for a perfect background. I mentally took note of how busy the park was, what kind dog/foot/bike traffic there was, and then calculated when the best time for the session would be based on how the sun filtered in through the tree canopy. After our little scouting expedition, I knew just the dog that would be a perfect fit for this location: Oksana the Siberian Husky.

Coincidentally the same day, I attended a corgi meet-up with my own pup, Brisket, at Rocky Fork Dog Park in New Albany. Driving in, we noticed that there was an incredible field of wild butterweed just across the road! So when Oksana’s owner agreed to help me do a test photoshoot at Rose Run Park, I convinced her to also pop over to Rocky Fork afterwords. I’m so glad we did, as the shots from both locations turned out amazing! They were so good in fact, that I actually went back the next morning with my own dog for another photo shoot! But that’s a story for another post.