whetstone park or roses

Columbus Ohio End of Life Pet Photography Session - Rajah by Holly Hildreth

A brindle pitbull mix breed dog walking toward the camera during an end of life pet photography session in Clintonville's Whetstone Park of Roses

I’ve known Miss Rajah for years, as her owner is a good friend of mine. In fact, this beautiful brindle ball of sweetness had play dates with my oldest corgi, Rigby, when HE was just a tiny puppy. When Rajah received some unfortunate health news, her owner asked if I would do a session with her in the time she had left. The answer was an enthusiastic “YES!!!”

Rajah is, and always has been, one of the Good Ones. I wanted to make sure I captured her sweet, incredibly laid-back personality. Rajah is more of a “lay in the sun” rather than “go for a run” kinda girl, (which…SAME). Rajah has lived an amazing life so far. Since Covid hit, Rajah and her owners have been road tripping all across the US in their camper van. I think Rajah has been able to pee in more states than any other dog I know.

We had Rajah’s session at Clintonville’s Park of Roses, which is absolutely bursting with color this time of year. We took a nice stroll around the park, taking advantage of the gorgeous backgrounds as we went. At the end we got a nice, subtle sunset. A perfect session ending for such a perfect girl.

End of Life Pet Photography sessions are such an incredibly valuable gift that you can give yourself and your loved ones. I keep time reserved in my schedule every week specifically for cases like this where owners aren’t sure how much time their dog has left and/or are dealing with tough decisions around the declining health of their best friend. If you find yourself in this situation and would like to book your own End of Life Pet Photo shoot, Contact me today .

One regret I hear over and over from clients is not booking a shoot soon enough. They figured they have plenty of time and plan to eventually book something later on, but their beloved furry family member passes away before they get around to contacting me. While I can always do a shoot that accommodates your dog wherever they are health and ability-wise, many folks prefer doing a session while their dog is still happy, alert, and mobile, as they want to remember their friend’s spirit while they’re still acting like themselves. I HIGHLY recommend doing your shoot sooner rather than later, as we never really know how much time we have with our pets. To see more examples of End of Life sessions, click on the “end of life” tag at the bottom of this post.