Westerville, Ohio, Pet Photography Sunset Session - Bernard & Cookie / by Holly Hildreth

Bernard’s owner reached out to me to take advantage of my July fundraiser for Stop the Suffering Animal Rescue of Ohio, where a portion of every session fee is donated to help homeless and neglected pets in central Ohio. Bernard had some unfortunate health news, and his owner wanted to get him in for a session while he was still happy and able to get around. Bernard’s sister-from-another-mister, Cookie, came along too for some photos. Their owner let me know that Cookie is shy and can be skittish in new and strange situations, so we made sure to budget extra time into their session to ensure Cookie was comfortable with everything, and worked to make the experience as stress-free as possible for her.

Our shoot day was…INSANELY HOT! But sometimes you just get crazy lucky during a shoot and not only get a stellar sunset, but a brilliant blue twilight complete with a few stars and fireflies! I may have been dripping sweat through Bernard and Cookie's session, but it was so worth it for results like these!