shy dogs

Columbus, Ohio, Pet Photography Session - Lucy & Rosie by Holly Hildreth

Lucy and her recently adopted sister-from-another-mister, Rosie, were a delight to photograph. Lucy was so bubbly and eager to please. She just wanted to be in the spotlight! Rosie was a little hesitant, but soon learned that photos mean lots of treats! But...can we just take a minute to talk about the glow-up Rosie has had?!

Rosie had a tough start in life. She is a former puppy mill momma. She was stuck in a wire cage 24/7, with another cage on top of her. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the excrement from the dog above her would fall onto her, which is a horrible way to live! Luckily Stop the Suffering Animal Rescue of Ohio stepped in and got her out of there. Four months ago Rosie started her life over, and she has totally won the jackpot being adopted by an amazing, patient, loving family that adores her. Only happy days are ahead for this girl--and she deserves it!

Columbus, Ohio, Rescue Dog Photographer - Buddy by Holly Hildreth

Meet Buddy. Buddy is one of the 80 dogs recently seized in a Pike County hoarding case. For those who wish to learn more about Buddy and his friends, continue reading below *Trigger warning: animal cruelty*

On January 30th, a Pike County man was arrested when humane agents were tipped off about animal cruelty happening on the premises. When they arrived, humane agents were greeted by a deceased dog that was tied to a tractor and appeared to have been beaten to death. They found 80 living but emaciated dogs and 40 deceased dogs on the property. Buddy is one of those lucky 80 pups that were removed from the premise and turned over to the Pike County animal shelter. From there, Stop the Suffering Animal Rescue of Ohio stepped in to help with a number of dogs. These pups are now in foster homes learning what it’s like to be loved, with full bellies and comfortable beds. After receiving medical care and some TLC, Buddy and his friends are ready to find their forever homes through Stop The Suffering. To apply to adopt, visit

Westerville, Ohio, Pet Photography Session - Gunner & Jasmine by Holly Hildreth

Meet Jasmine, Gunner, and their adoring pet parents! Jasmine was such a sweetheart, coming right up to me and demanding pets as soon as I arrived. Gunner wasn’t so sure about getting his photo taken, but with some treats and patience he came around!

We chose Everal Barn and Homestead in Westerville for our soot location, as we wanted a park that still had some late fall color and was also quiet. This tranquil park is one of my favorite spots for my shy dogs! There’s not much noise or other park-goers, and it’s big enough that I don’t need to be super close to a shy dog—I can give them lots of space by photograph them from a distance with a telephoto lens. That way the shy pup does not get stressed about a stranger being too close.

As with all sessions, I work at the dog’s pace. I want to make sure every photoshoot is fun for the dog and owners, so we’ll only do things your dog is comfortable with. Through my pet photography career, as well as my experience in training my own dogs for obedience and agility, I’ve learned how to read all the subtle cues and body language dogs give off when they’re feeling overwhelmed. During your session I am always watching your pup’s interactions and continually reading what they’re “saying” during the shoot. When I see your pup needs a break, we will pause to give them a minute to relax, get a drink of water, play with a toy, or get some belly rubs from their owners. Having that small moment to reset and focus on something positive always helps pups to regroup, and keeps the whole experience positive and happy for them.

Westerville, Ohio, End of Life Pet Photography Session - Shadow by Holly Hildreth

Shadow's owner contacted me when she received some devastating health news about this sweet, 9-year old Labrador mix. They wanted to get her in for photos while she was still acting and feeling like herself.

We planned to do photos with some nice fall colors in the background. However, after having 2 days the previous week with 50mph winds, I was worried there would be no leaves left. But even with most of the trees being bare, there are still little pockets of color to be found if you know where to look!

End of Life sessions are such an incredibly valuable gift that you can give yourself and your loved ones. I keep time reserved in my schedule every week specifically for cases like this where owners aren’t sure how much time their dog has left and/or are dealing with tough decisions around the declining health of their best friend. If you find yourself in this situation and would like to book your own EoL Pet Photo shoot, contact me today and I will be in touch ASAP.

Westerville, Ohio, Pet Photography Sunset Session - Bernard & Cookie by Holly Hildreth

Bernard’s owner reached out to me to take advantage of my July fundraiser for Stop the Suffering Animal Rescue of Ohio, where a portion of every session fee is donated to help homeless and neglected pets in central Ohio. Bernard had some unfortunate health news, and his owner wanted to get him in for a session while he was still happy and able to get around. Bernard’s sister-from-another-mister, Cookie, came along too for some photos. Their owner let me know that Cookie is shy and can be skittish in new and strange situations, so we made sure to budget extra time into their session to ensure Cookie was comfortable with everything, and worked to make the experience as stress-free as possible for her.

Our shoot day was…INSANELY HOT! But sometimes you just get crazy lucky during a shoot and not only get a stellar sunset, but a brilliant blue twilight complete with a few stars and fireflies! I may have been dripping sweat through Bernard and Cookie's session, but it was so worth it for results like these!

Westerville, Ohio, Pet and Owner Photography Session - Scout & Kira by Holly Hildreth

Ohio weather in the summer can be a gamble. For instance, as I was driving to my shoot with Scout, the beagle/chihuahua mix, the sky opened up and absolutely poured. As I arrived at the park the rain was tapering off a bit, though it was still very blue in the west and the radar said more rain was on its way. We decided to roll the dice and go ahead and shoot as much as we could before the rain arrived.

Scout’s owner let me know that he is pretty timid around strangers and in new situations. But as soon as I got out of my car this little dude tried to immediately French kiss me! It’s safe to say I had his approval. With shy and skittish dogs, I like to budget a little more time into the session to make sure your pup is comfortable in front of the camera. One great way to make sure your pup is relaxed is to do some action shots of walking/playing. That usually helps them loosen up a bit. Another good approach is taking some candid shots of the sweet moments between owner and pet. Getting pets and reassurance from their owner can really put a pup at ease, plus it gives me a great opportunity to catch those special moments.

Scout’s owner was hoping for a sunset for their session. One thing about these kind of rainy days is you rarely get a sunset. But sometimes, you get super lucky and are surprised with an amazing array of colors as the sun goes down. Sunsets after a storm are usually much more vibrant than normal due to the higher moisture content in the atmosphere and greater scattering of the sun’s rays. All this goes to say fortune favors the bold. I’m so glad we decided to go for it and shoot anyway, despite everything looking like we would be rained out!