Westerville, Ohio, Pet Photography Session - Gunner & Jasmine / by Holly Hildreth

Meet Jasmine, Gunner, and their adoring pet parents! Jasmine was such a sweetheart, coming right up to me and demanding pets as soon as I arrived. Gunner wasn’t so sure about getting his photo taken, but with some treats and patience he came around!

We chose Everal Barn and Homestead in Westerville for our soot location, as we wanted a park that still had some late fall color and was also quiet. This tranquil park is one of my favorite spots for my shy dogs! There’s not much noise or other park-goers, and it’s big enough that I don’t need to be super close to a shy dog—I can give them lots of space by photograph them from a distance with a telephoto lens. That way the shy pup does not get stressed about a stranger being too close.

As with all sessions, I work at the dog’s pace. I want to make sure every photoshoot is fun for the dog and owners, so we’ll only do things your dog is comfortable with. Through my pet photography career, as well as my experience in training my own dogs for obedience and agility, I’ve learned how to read all the subtle cues and body language dogs give off when they’re feeling overwhelmed. During your session I am always watching your pup’s interactions and continually reading what they’re “saying” during the shoot. When I see your pup needs a break, we will pause to give them a minute to relax, get a drink of water, play with a toy, or get some belly rubs from their owners. Having that small moment to reset and focus on something positive always helps pups to regroup, and keeps the whole experience positive and happy for them.