
Celebrating Specially-Abled Pets - Columbus, Ohio, dog photography by Holly Hildreth

Hooray! Today is Specially-abled Pets Day! This day honors and celebrates differently-abled pets, their stories, and the families that love them.

One concern I hear from owners is that they’re afraid their pet isn't suitable for a photo shoot due to being blind, deaf, mobility or otherwise impaired. They worry that we may not be able to get their attention, or that if their pet is not able to run and play, then they will look sad in the photos. I’m here to tell you that you have no reason to worry! Here is proof that we will absolutely get wonderful images of your faithful friend regardless of any impairments they may have.

In my years’ of experience, I have had the pleasure of working with pups from a whole spectrum of abilities, and as a result, I have figured out lots of the little secret tricks to get your dog’s attention. From dogs who are diabetic and unable to have treats during the shoot (my personal dog is diabetic too!) to seniors who are unable to stand, to dogs experiencing deafness, blindness…(or both!), I have seen it all, and know just the right ways to photograph these pets. Plus, you might pick up a secret tip for getting your dog’s attention from our photoshoot, that you can use at home when you’re taking your own snaps of your furry friend.

I wanted to celebrate today by sharing some of my oh-so-cute clients who haven’t let life’s curveballs slow them down.

Do you share your life with a specially-abled pet? If so, tell me about them in the comments below!