
Ohio End of Life Pet Photography - Cosmo by Holly Hildreth

Cosmo and his family recently came to me for an End of Life Pet Photography Session when he received the unfortunate news that his cancer had returned. It's always an honor to be trusted with capturing some final memories of pets and families together—documenting the love and deep bond that is shared. While none of us know how long our pups have with us, it is never easy to say goodbye. I'll be thinking of Cosmo and his family as they spend his golden days together. I'll leave you with my little poem about the most handsome one-eared wonder, Cosmo:

"For now let's cherish every day,

Savor every moment's play.

Though I may not have much pep

Please know I’ve loved every step.

So scratch my ear that special way,

Say the things you want to say.

Talk to me and let me know

It's "ok" when I must go."

Columbus End of Life Pet Photographer - Tanner & Sadie by Holly Hildreth

The loss of a pet can be one of the most difficult experiences in life. After all, our pets are our family. They provide us with unconditional love, companionship, and silent support. When they pass, we are left with a hole in our hearts.

End-of-life pet photography can help us to cope with the grief of losing our furry friends. It allows us to capture their likeness and personality in a way that will last a lifetime. These photos can remind us of the good times we had together, and they can help us to heal our hearts.

You may recognize Tanner and Sadie here from a previous photoshoot. We did a studio session of these two with their family a few months ago when Tanner's health was taking a turn. Luckily spunky 18-year-old Tanner is still with us, and continues to make his family smile.

We did Tanner and Sadie’s End of Life outdoor session at the always-wonderful Everal Barn and Homestead in Westerville, Ohio. This gorgeous park is not only filled with seasonal flowers, but it offers a quite, private setting for a Rainbow Bridge session.

If you or a loved one is faced with End of Life circumstances with your pet, please do not hesitate to reach out via my contact page, and I will be in touch ASAP. I keep time in my schedule reserved specifically for End of Life cases.

Dublin, Ohio, End of Life Pet Photography Session - Spencer by Holly Hildreth

Sometimes home is where the session is! This handsome gentleman is Spencer. Unfortunately Spencer's health was declining, and his family wanted to capture some memories together before they had to say "goodbye". Since Spencer was vision, hearing, and mobility-impaired, we thought he would be happiest and most comfortable doing his End of Life photoshoot at home.

Spencer was such a sweetheart during his session. He had the warmest smile, and an equally sunny disposition to match. It was very easy to see how much his family adored him.

Losing a furry family member is never easy--especially when you've shared so much of your lives together. But, I like to think that we are not saying "goodbye" but rather "see you later". As author Pam Brown once said, “If there is a heaven, it’s certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take more than an archangel to detangle them.”

Celebrating Specially-Abled Pets - Columbus, Ohio, dog photography by Holly Hildreth

Hooray! Today is Specially-abled Pets Day! This day honors and celebrates differently-abled pets, their stories, and the families that love them.

One concern I hear from owners is that they’re afraid their pet isn't suitable for a photo shoot due to being blind, deaf, mobility or otherwise impaired. They worry that we may not be able to get their attention, or that if their pet is not able to run and play, then they will look sad in the photos. I’m here to tell you that you have no reason to worry! Here is proof that we will absolutely get wonderful images of your faithful friend regardless of any impairments they may have.

In my years’ of experience, I have had the pleasure of working with pups from a whole spectrum of abilities, and as a result, I have figured out lots of the little secret tricks to get your dog’s attention. From dogs who are diabetic and unable to have treats during the shoot (my personal dog is diabetic too!) to seniors who are unable to stand, to dogs experiencing deafness, blindness…(or both!), I have seen it all, and know just the right ways to photograph these pets. Plus, you might pick up a secret tip for getting your dog’s attention from our photoshoot, that you can use at home when you’re taking your own snaps of your furry friend.

I wanted to celebrate today by sharing some of my oh-so-cute clients who haven’t let life’s curveballs slow them down.

Do you share your life with a specially-abled pet? If so, tell me about them in the comments below!