chow mix

Westerville, Ohio, End of Life Pet Photography Session - Nellie by Holly Hildreth

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

This is sweet senior face is Nellie. Her mom reached out to me for an End of Life photoshoot when Nellie's health began to sharply decline. Luckily I have the most amazing, understanding clients which allowed me to move some session around in order to get Nellie in the very next day for her shoot!

Nellie’s owner describes her more like a sister than a pet. They have made so many memories in their 16.5 years together. It was easy to see just how special their connection was. While Nellie’s health issues limited her mobility, that didn’t stop her from laying in the soft grass, sniffing the cool spring breeze, and enjoying watching the sunset with the ones she loves the most: her mom, and fur-sibling Patriot. I'm so glad we were able to get Nellie in for her session when we did, as 2 days later, she made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge. Run free, Miss Nellie! Until we meet again.

While we all want our furry family members to be by our sides forever, unfortunately at some point we all must say goodbye. End of Life pet photography sessions are an amazing gift that you can give yourself. We capture beautiful memories in our time together, that many owners find helps them with the grieving process when their beloved pet passes. I keep time reserved in my schedule every week specifically for End of Life sessions where owners aren’t sure how much time their dog has left and/or are dealing with tough decisions around the declining health of their best friend. If you find yourself in this situation and would like to book your own EoL Pet Photo shoot, contact me today , and I will be in touch ASAP.