Preparing for your shoot

11 Poses for Dog and Owner Photo Shoots | Rock your Next Session with These Professional Pet Photography Tips by Holly Hildreth

Are you nervous about being in front of the camera during a photoshoot with your dog? Or maybe you’re a professional pet photographer who’s looking to add more variety to their sessions. While every dog and every session is different, here are some tried and true “poses” and prompts that have been client favorites for capturing natural, genuine expressions resulting in stunning portraits with your dog.

1.) Puppy Kisses

Dog licks his owner's face during a pet and owner photo shoot in Columbus, Ohio during the fall.

This pose is an instant favorite for most dog owners. Not only can I capture the love and unique bond you share with your dog, but it always ends up with real smiles and laughter.

Pet photographer’s pro-tip: Want to do this shot but your dog is not a “kisser”? Try putting a tiny little dab of spray cheese on your cheek. Works like a charm to get your dog to lick your face.

2.) Returning the Favor

Woman kisses the top of her dog's head during an end of life pet photography session in December.

If you get a photo of your dog giving you a kiss, then it’s only right to return the favor! This posing prompt gives us a great opportunity to capture meaningful, candid-feeling shots.

Pet Photographer’s Pro-Tip: I find kissing the top of the dog’s head or their cheek lets me get a clear view of both faces. Kissing the top of the dog’s head (where the hair is shortest) is critical for fluffy dogs whose long hair would otherwise hide the owner’s face.

3.) Follow Me

A jack russell terrier dog walking alongside his owner on a gravel road during an end of life pet photography session in Ohio

Capture the loyalty your pup has to you and your family with this pose. You can include faces or shoot tight like this photo so you only see legs, so it is great for those who many be a little camera shy. With shots like this you don’t have to worry about smiling or posing a certain way, you just walk with your dog and talk do them as you go so they look up at you. Easy!

Pet Photographer’s Pro-Tip: This simple pose is a great opener to start your session, as it helps get the dog acclimated to the camera from a distance while they’re focused on their owner. It also is a fun way to burn off a puppy’s over-excitement (excellent for high energy dogs). This is also a good option for shy dogs who need a second to warm up, as you can shoot from a distance while the dog is focused on the owner.

4.) Spot’s Favorite Spot

A woman smiles while she scratches her dog. The Dog is so happy he is licking the air, during a dog and owner photo shoot in ohio

Most dogs have a favorite spot for petting. Whether it’s belly rubs, back scratches, or head pats, this “pose” shows your dog’s quirks and personality, and also invariably brings a genuine smile to your face as you watch your pup lean into you for more pats.

Pet Photography Pro-Tip: This is a great ice breaker, as it often gets the owner smiling and laughing and helps both the dog and the owner to relax. This can also be a great “break” activity for when the dog needs to take a second away from posing for a mental break. This helps get them reset between other poses and keeps them relaxed.

5.) Cuddle Time

Woman and dog Posing for pet and family photo shoot. The hispanic woman embraces her mixed breed dog against an autumn background in Westerville, Ohio

If your dog is happy to have a quick snuggle, then this pose is a must-do. For small dogs you can hold them in your arms. For larger dogs crouch down down to their level so you’re both the same height and put your arm around them.

Pet Photography Pro-Tip: Not all dogs tolerate being hugged or snuggled and would prefer to have some space, so if you’re dog is not into it, do NOT to force it.

6.) Over the Shoulder

Posing guide for a photo shoot of a dog and owner with a hispanic man embracing his French Bulldog against a graffiti wall in Columbus, Ohio

The “Over the Shoulder” is another great pose for people who may be a little camera shy. It is flattering for both men and women, and works against pretty much any background. If the dog is small enough, you can hold them in your arms and then turn your back to the camera.

Pet Photographer Pro-Tip: If the dog is too big to be picked up, you can have the owners sit next to their pup with their backs to the camera to get a full body shot like in the photo below.

A couple enjoying the sunset with their black lab dog during and end of life pet photography session in Ohio

7.) It’s the Little Things

Pet photo shoot pose idea: woman holding her dog's paw during an end of life pet photography session

Doggy detail shots are a must have, particularly for End of Life Pet photography sessions. Everyone has something they love about their dog, whether it’s the special pattern of their fur, or their cute little paws, or the way their tail curls over their back—capturing these small details really helps celebrate and preserve their unique traits.

Pet Photographer’s Pro-Tip: These shots don’t have to just be close-ups of physical feature. There are more creative ways to emphasize these things in your images. For example: let’s say the owner loves their dog’s fluffy tail. While you could just take a photo of the tail, you can also capture it creatively by getting a shot of the dog and owner walking away from the camera so you can get a two-for-one—you’ve got a nice candid moment of them walking together, PLUS it shows off the dog’s tail.

Woman walking in the woods with her dog during autumn in ohio. The woman is training her dog how to heel while walking together

8.) Get on my Level

Cute mixed breed dog licks his owner's face while she lays in a field of wildflowers in Newark, Ohio during an engagement shoot. This candid shot shows a woman is smiling and laughing while petting her dog

During sessions, you’re likely to find me laying on the ground while I shoot…so why don’t you come join me? It’s super important for me to get down to the dog’s eye level when shooting as this helps highlight your pet in the most flattering way. Laying in the grass with your pet allows you to both be on the same level, as equals. Being close together is relaxing for you both, and allows us to capture sweet candid moments.

Pet Photographer’s Pro-Tip: Have the dog’s owner talk to them and love on them while they’re on the ground together. That way you can get great eye contact between your two subjects, like in the shot below.

Posing idea for a dog and owner photo shoot showing a woman laying on the grass, talking to her dog during blue hour in Ohio

9.) Lap Dog

A man laughs as his large saint bernard dog sits on his lap during a family photo shoot with dogs

Most people think this pose is only for small dogs, but guess again! This is a fun one to do, as you also get an opportunity to get beautiful candid shots of you and your dog. This is an easy-to-do pose for both men and women. Be sure to give your pup lots of pets to keep them comfortable while they’re in your lap

Pet Photographer’s Pro-Tip: If the dog is uninterested in being in the owner’s lap, have the owner kneel down directly behind the dog instead for this shot.

10.) The Look Back

A young couple petting their dog during an engagement session. The dog is looking back at the camera and smiling. The couple is in a Japanese garden in Ohio.

This one is especially perfect for dogs with a cheeky personality! Crouch down on the ground and talk to your pet, and I’ll capture your dog looking back at me.

Pet Photographer’s Pro-tip: To pull this one off, grab a unique-sounding noise maker that you have not used at all yet during the session. Save it specifically for this shot. While the dog has his back to the camera and is looking at his people use the novel noise maker and the dog will whip his head around quickly to figure out what that sound is. Since this moment only lasts a split second you better have a fast trigger finger in order to capture this one! You may only get one shot at this pose, because once the dog hears the weird noise maker a couple times he will no longer care enough to turn and look, so it’s best to get it on the first try.

11.) Well, Would ya’ Look at That

A woman smiles at her shepherd mix dog during a pet and owner photoshoot in Ohio. The location is a field in the summer, and there is a thunderstorm rolling in.

This one is super simple Just look at your dog! This super versitile pose can be done anywhere and you can be standing, walking, kneeling, or sitting—doesn’t matter. We can photograph this as a full-body or close up shot. This is also a very easy-to-do, flattering pose for both men and women of all ages.

Pet Photographer’s Pro-Tip: This “pose” is the gift that keeps on giving, as it that allows you to get several different-looking shots from the same prompt. Try playing around with this one by shooting a variety of angles and lenses. I prefer to do these kind of shots with a telephoto or prime lens (though I do love a good wide angle that allows me to incorporate more of the surrounding environment like the shot below).

Woman sharing a quiet moment with her dying dog during an end of life pet photography session in ohio. The location is on the lake short at twilight
A shepherd mix breed dog licking his owner's face during a pet and family photo shoot in Ohio

Ready to book a photo shoot with your dog?

Dog Dads: Happy Paw-ther's Day from Columbus, Ohio pet photographer Holly Hildreth by Holly Hildreth

Dog dad and his Saint Bernard sitting on his lap during a professional pet photography session in Columbus, Ohio

Happy Father’s Day, Dog Dads!

Father’s Day is a time to honor not just human dads, but also those who have taken on the role of dog dads. To all the pet owners out there whose hearts are filled with love for their canine companions, today is for you!

A man playing with his dog during a pet and family photography session in Ohio

But being a dog dad isn’t just about walks in the park or playtime in the backyard. It’s about the countless moments of joy, laughter, and even the occasional mischief that comes with having a furry friend by your side. It’s about the early morning wake-up calls, the wagging tails that greet you at the door, and the unconditional love that knows no bounds.

A man pets his rescue dog during and end of life pet photography session in Dublin, Ohio.

Whether you’ve raised your dog from a puppy or welcomed a rescue into your home, you understand the unique bond that develops between a dog and their human, a bond built on trust, companionship, and shared experiences. For those who want to capture these sweet moments forever, consider getting the dog dad in your life a pet and owner photo session.

Man scratching his rescue dog's head during a hike in the woods of Ohio

I often work with couples who are wanting to do a pet and family session, but they warn me that the man in their life hates having his photo taken or will feel awkward/annoyed about being in front of the camera. But I assure you, it’s not going to feel like you’re having a photoshoot. Often the only professional photo shoot experiences guys have had are restricted to school pictures or wedding photos—both situations that are very formal shoots where you have to pose a certain way and smile at the camera. Instead during a pet and owner photo shoot, it’ll feel like you’re just hanging out with your dog in a nice park. You don’t have to “pose” or “act”, nor do you have to stare right at the camera and smile. Instead I will focus on documenting the natural moments and interactions between you and your dog. We can capture those genuine candid moments while you’re playing fetch, giving your dog a belly rub, walking through the park, or just hanging out in nature (or a dog-friendly bar if that’s more your speed!).

Engaged couple sitting on a couch, enjoying a drink with their dog at the bar of the Hotel Junto in downtown Columbus, Ohio

So, here’s to all the dog dads out there – may your day be filled with tail wags, puppy kisses, and moments that remind you why being a dog dad is truly something special. Happy Father’s Day to you and your beloved fur babies!

Summer portrait of a dog licking his owner's face during a pet and owner session in a creek bed in central Ohio

Celebrating Specially-Abled Pets - Columbus, Ohio, dog photography by Holly Hildreth

Hooray! Today is Specially-abled Pets Day! This day honors and celebrates differently-abled pets, their stories, and the families that love them.

One concern I hear from owners is that they’re afraid their pet isn't suitable for a photo shoot due to being blind, deaf, mobility or otherwise impaired. They worry that we may not be able to get their attention, or that if their pet is not able to run and play, then they will look sad in the photos. I’m here to tell you that you have no reason to worry! Here is proof that we will absolutely get wonderful images of your faithful friend regardless of any impairments they may have.

In my years’ of experience, I have had the pleasure of working with pups from a whole spectrum of abilities, and as a result, I have figured out lots of the little secret tricks to get your dog’s attention. From dogs who are diabetic and unable to have treats during the shoot (my personal dog is diabetic too!) to seniors who are unable to stand, to dogs experiencing deafness, blindness…(or both!), I have seen it all, and know just the right ways to photograph these pets. Plus, you might pick up a secret tip for getting your dog’s attention from our photoshoot, that you can use at home when you’re taking your own snaps of your furry friend.

I wanted to celebrate today by sharing some of my oh-so-cute clients who haven’t let life’s curveballs slow them down.

Do you share your life with a specially-abled pet? If so, tell me about them in the comments below!

Westerville, Ohio, Pet Photography Session - Gunner & Jasmine by Holly Hildreth

Meet Jasmine, Gunner, and their adoring pet parents! Jasmine was such a sweetheart, coming right up to me and demanding pets as soon as I arrived. Gunner wasn’t so sure about getting his photo taken, but with some treats and patience he came around!

We chose Everal Barn and Homestead in Westerville for our soot location, as we wanted a park that still had some late fall color and was also quiet. This tranquil park is one of my favorite spots for my shy dogs! There’s not much noise or other park-goers, and it’s big enough that I don’t need to be super close to a shy dog—I can give them lots of space by photograph them from a distance with a telephoto lens. That way the shy pup does not get stressed about a stranger being too close.

As with all sessions, I work at the dog’s pace. I want to make sure every photoshoot is fun for the dog and owners, so we’ll only do things your dog is comfortable with. Through my pet photography career, as well as my experience in training my own dogs for obedience and agility, I’ve learned how to read all the subtle cues and body language dogs give off when they’re feeling overwhelmed. During your session I am always watching your pup’s interactions and continually reading what they’re “saying” during the shoot. When I see your pup needs a break, we will pause to give them a minute to relax, get a drink of water, play with a toy, or get some belly rubs from their owners. Having that small moment to reset and focus on something positive always helps pups to regroup, and keeps the whole experience positive and happy for them.